Conscious Textiles

We believe in handmade and ecologically friendly products as a community at JJR Spin Textiles. We believe fashion holds a mirror up to society, showing what’s going on in economic, cultural, social and environmental terms. It is also implicated in some of the biggest environmental and social challenges that we face globally including climate change and modern slavery.


Organic textiles are grown without the use of harsh pesticides and fertilisers, while and using less water than the non-organic process. Chemicals that can harm the environment and cause skin irritation are cut out by many sustainable brands today. Commonly used azo free dyes are one example, likewise fluorocarbons in waterproof clothing. We are building a deep-rooted culture of sustainability in all our verticals, under the accordance of which, sustainable clothing upholds the principle of the -Three R’s of the Environment: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle, as well as the Three Legs of Sustainability: Economics, Ecology, and Social Equity.


Lets move towards a greener world together, step by step-

Promoting Indian artisan, natural fabrics and dyes. We provide our buyers with the GOTS certificate.

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