

The entire process of spinning, twisting, dyeing and weaving of yarn into fabrics by hand is traditionally created in Bhagalpur. Each of these hand woven fabrics undergo the Kundi Finish, which is hand beaten with a wooden mace which ensures a special impart of a luster, yet matte look. This is largely done manually and the skills of the workers involved are crucial for the overall look, calendaring, finish and feel of the fabric.

The secret of Bhagalpur’s distinctly beautiful fabric lies in the versatility offered by the handloom and weaving skills honed over generations by its native weavers.

Handloom is a designer’s delight because of the flexibility it offers-

Can use any number of colours both in the warp weft.

Different yarn compositions and yarn denier can be used in the same fabric.

Providing a wide array of fabrics – simple yet lustrous Tassar, Matka to multicoloured Tweeds.

Since it is hand processed, some variation in colour and weave is natural. All our valued customers appreciate the uniqueness and beauty of such handwoven fabrics.


Bounsi Road

Bhagalpur – 812002

Bihar – India

Tel – 91-641-2420829 / 2423431

E-Mail – info@jjrspintextiles.com

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